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We would like to invite you to become a member of the most unique out of the box advertising company,


If you become a member of our organization, will produce 12,000 cards (1000 per month) to be distributed every 4 months…(January, May and September) and to be given away free from our local Hotels, Restaurants, Car washes, Post Office Box Stores, and Local Attractions, etc…


Your ad will be placed on the back of this protected, long lasting souvenir gift, with 2 other advertisers and your business information will be linked to the organization advertising page at


Our goal is to produce enough cards so participaticing Hotels and Resorts will be able to give this gift to all arriving guests.


We believe the genius in this unique gift is the impact it will have. The results will be long lasting to the person who received it, as well as others it is shared with.  Each card leads back to the Mother Page of, which is genius cross marketing.


The person/s that acquire this souvenir card and plant it will be participating in an advertising campaign that places a living billboard on peoples property all over the world, that could potentially live 200 years.  It also acts as a reminder of the businesses, the wonderful resorts, oasis’s and amenities that Palm Springs has to offer.


Please join and become a member of and together we will touch the world and make a long lasting impression of your business and our wonderful town.


Please contact us for membership pricing.


Call Timothy at:  760.275.0097

Email us at:


  • Placed in back of 1000 1/3 Page AD basic GROW YOUR OWN “courtesy of” cards

  • Link your web page to

  • A gold star in one of four TV commercials (with Gold Membership, ask for details)

$125.00 per month for a year with annual renewal

Custom Design Services

  • Custom Card Front & Back Designed and Distributed to your specified location within 30 Miles of the designated area


$100.00 one time fee per card design

Cards will be distributed on the following dates*:

January 1st

May 1st

September 1st

*Cards distributed 1000 at a time on dates listed above.

Contact Our Sales Team to become a Member



1/3 AD

1/3 AD

1/3 AD



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